The Property will be sold “AS IS,” with no warranties or representations as to condition, including the presence of hazardous materials of any kind, or appropriateness for any use, and must be removed from the property by the purchaser no later than November 1, 2022.
All offers to buy the property must use the district’s Agreement and Bill of Sale form available on the district website. No contingencies to the sale and removal may appear in the offer. By submitting an offer, the offeror is warranting it has sufficient funds or pre-approved financing for the purchase price set out in the offer, which representation is subject to confirmation by the District.
If you require any other information, please contact the District at: 515-989-3589.
Each offer must be enclosed and sealed in an envelope plainly marked with the words: “OFFER TO PURCHASE AND REMOVE STRUCTURE.” Offers must be received at the District Office at 430 School Street, Carlisle, Iowa no later than 10:00 AM on July 8, 2022.
No offeror may withdraw its offer after the scheduled time for receipt of offers.
The District reserves the right to request additional information for the evaluation of the offers received. The
District reserves the right to reject any or all offers and to waive irregularities in any offer and to enter into an agreement, with or without modification, as shall be deemed to be in the best interests of the District.